Tuesday, March 21, 2017

2017 CSPA – Your Online Identity Really Matters

 Here's a summary of my discussion at the CSPA 93rd Annual Spring Convention.
Students of High School Journalism: Use the Author Bio feature on “newsmag” platforms to strategically build effective online identities. See if the online platform through your school allows you to post your picture with a biography statement on your author page. If you create an author’s bio on your school’s online news site, all your published work will assemble underneath your name and picture.

Why is the Author Bio feature so important to high school students? When college admissions officers and future employers type in your name with your school name, your Author Bio will appear at the top of the Google page. Anyone can review all your published work by simply clicking on your name.

Think about the possibilities. Your online identity will be as reputable as the work you publish with your school. Why let social media define you to college boards and future employers? Use the Internet to your advantage. Rather than fear what online activity may haunt you in the future, take control now. Only post what you want college boards and future employers to see. If your high school offers an online publishing program, get involved. Start building your personal brand now. Let everyone see your talent.

Notice: College boards and future employers can see what you do. Many stories already exist about students being denied admission or employment due to unfavorable content found online. Why run such risks? You should let yourself define yourself. Reign in impulsivities and be strategic. What do you want college boards and future employers to see? You care about your community, and you pursue excellence in service of others. Let everyone get that message loud and clear.

Here’s a “newsmag” platform I recommend: https://demo.tagdiv.com/newsmag/#

Here are some online sources you may find helpful:

Social Media

Online and Identify Development:

Long term impact

Personal Branding

Being proactive

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